Articles on: Re-stream
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Troubleshooting re-streaming

Troubleshooting re-streaming

Starting or ending the re-streaming does not work

For all platforms

If you can’t start or end your re-streaming, click the Try again button in the error modal. If the error persists, you can get help by starting a live chat with us. Click the chat bubble at the bottom right of your screen.

For custom RTMP URL

If you are re-streaming to a custom RTMP URL, we recommend verifying if the URL and stream key is correct.

Problem during the re-streaming

During re-streaming, we may lose access to the re-stream destination. In this case, follow the steps below:

Go to Settings

In the left menu, select Re-stream and Destinations.

You will see that your disconnected profile has a red border: click Reconnect your profile.

Go back to your re-streaming, click the Media tab on the top navigation bar.

In the left menu, select Live stream.

Click on the live stream you are re-streaming from.

Underneath the video, click Try again next to the profile that is not re-streaming. Your re-streaming should start again.

Stopping the re-streaming for all platforms

To stop all re-streaming, you can stop the live recording from Levuro.

Updated on: 21/08/2022

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